SDG 8 - Decent Work and Economic Growth

Below are all Australian news items from all ESG Snapshot issues that are relevant to SDG 8 (decent work and economic growth), listed with most recent items appearing first.
Issue 63, 30 September 2024
Engineers Australia has released a report titled Making a clean transition, that provides advice for engineers moving from fossil fuel industries to the renewables sector.
Meanwhile, the Institute for Sustainable Futures and the Australian Energy Market Operator have released a report on Australian electricity workforce requirements out to 2050, based on the 2024 Integrated System Plan.
Issue 44, 20 May 2024
Statutory development - modern slavery. Parliament has passed the government's Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill.
The Bill establishes the role of Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner, as an independent statutory office-holder within the Attorney-General's portfolio.
Opposition members of a Senate committee inquiry into a Bill that would establish the Net Zero Economy Authority have recommended that the proposed legislation not be passed.
The proposed new Authority would duplicate the role of organisations such as the CEFC and ARENA, and various state bodies, the Coalition members of the committee said.
The majority of committee members have recommended that the Bill be passed.
Issue 23, 4 December 2023
Statutory development. The government has introduced the Modern Slavery Amendment (Australian Anti-Slavery Commissioner) Bill 2023, which provides for the establishment of an independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner.
The ACT government has expanded its Ethical Treatment of Workers Evaluation Direction, made under the Government Procurement Act, to require more high-risk industries to consider the treatment of workers throughout their supply chains when they tender for government work.
The expansion will add agriculture, hospitality, ICT hardware, and textiles and garments procurements, expanding on the current list of cleaning, security, manufacturing, and construction procurements.
Issue 13, 18 September 2023
The NSW Parliament's Modern Slavery Committee has instigated a review of the state's Modern Slavery Act.
The committee will also examine the Ethical Clothing Extended Scheme and its potential to mitigate the risks of modern slavery in the NSW clothing manufacturing industry.